How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac in 3 Easy Ways

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac in 3 Easy Ways

Paper-based solutions are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Many organizations are transitioning to a more digital approach, especially when it comes to data collection. Nowadays, online or digital forms are replacing their printed counterparts. It’s not surprising, since these PDF forms are convenient to fill out. All you need isyour computer or laptop.

Learning how to fill out PDF forms on Mac is relatively quick and straightforward. You just need to have the right tool. In this article, we will walk you through several to get it done.

3 Easy Ways to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac Computers

  1. How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac Using Preview
  2. How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac Using Adobe Acrobat
  3. How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac Using Fill

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac Using Preview

Mac devices come with a default image and document viewer called Preview. This software comes with editing and markup tools that allow you to fill out forms on your Mac computer. Here’s how to use it:

1. Open the PDF form you wish to fill out on Preview.
2. Click the Show Markup Toolbar button.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
3. Click Text to add a text box.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
4. Drag the text box to the appropriate place in the form.
5. Type the information needed on the field.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 until all the fields are filled out.
7. If you wish to change the font style or adjust the font size, click Text Style.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
8. Select the font style and size you prefer. You can also play around with the formatting.
9. You can also add your electronic signature if the PDF form requires it.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
10. To save, go to Fill and click Save.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac

Since Preview is a vendor-supplied tool, using it would cost you nothing. However, as it is free, there are certain limitations to it. For example, you can’t access advanced editing features on this platform.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms Using Adobe Acrobat

Adobe is the company that developed this file format. So, of course, we couldn’t skip teaching you how to fill out PDF forms on Mac using Adobe Acrobat. Here’s how to do it:

1. Go to Adobe Acrobat’s online fill-and-sign tool.
2. Create an account if you don’t have one already. If you already have an account, log in.
3. Drag and drop the file to upload the PDF form on Acrobat.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
4. To fill out the form, click Fill in Form Fields and select Type Text.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
5. Click on the area you wish to fill out. Do this for all the fields.
6. There’s a toolbar above the text that allows you to resize your text and change colors.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
7. To tick a box, go to Fill in Forms and select any markings you wish to use.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
8. You can choose between a checkmark, crossmark, dot, or cross out.
9. Click the boxes you want to tick.
10. Once you’re done filling out the form, click the Download button found on the upper right-hand side of the screen.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac

There’s no denying that Adobe Acrobat is a great tool, especially if you are transitioning to a more digital approach in document management. While you can enjoy the tool online for free, you do need to make quite an investment to enjoy all its wonderful features and functionalities.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac Using Fill

Fill is an electronic signature app that also doubles as a document management tool. It allows you to process contracts, send signature requests online, and collect and submit data. Our powerful and intuitive platform simplifies how you fill out PDF forms on Mac computers. Here’s how to use Fill:

1. Sign up for an account with Fill. If you have an existing account, log in.
2. On your dashboard, click Start Now found on the upper righthand side of the screen.
3. Select Only You.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
4. Drag and drop the PDF form you wish to fill out.

5. To accomplish the form, click Insert Text.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
6. Drag the text box to the appropriate place in the document.
7. Type the information required on the field.
8. Repeat steps 5 to 7 until you have completed the form.
9. You may change the formatting of the texts by using the editing tool you can find on the screen.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
10. You can also tick boxes by clicking Insert Icon and dragging the icon to the right box.

How to Fill Out PDF Forms on Mac
11. Once you’re done, click the hamburger icon beside the Save button.
12. Select Download PDF to get your own copy of the form.

Learning how to fill out PDF forms on Mac using Fill only takes a few minutes. Aside from being able to input information in online forms, you can also create PDF forms on Mac using our platform. You can even use Fill to create legally valid signatures for online contracts.

Fill: The Ultimate Tool to Use to Sign PDF Forms Online and More

Fill is an all-around tool that will help you streamline your document process workflow. It’s a cloud-based application made for businesses of all sizes and individuals alike. Aside from being able to fill out forms, you can also use Fill for a myriad of other tasks, like contract lifecycle management and process improvement.

Document management made easy

With Fill, you can eliminate manual processes and switch to automated digital processes. You can sign contracts without needing to print physical copies. You can use your smartphone, tablet, or computer to enter into agreements using electronic signatures. Conversely, you can use our platform to send documents requesting for signatures in just a few clicks.

Military-grade encryption for data privacy

We put great importance on the security and privacy of your data so we use 256-bit encryption to thwart any attempts of breaches. All the information you input on your PDF form will never fall into the wrong hands. Our signer identity verification also helps you avoid fraudulent transactions.

Comply with industry standards

Additionally, you never have to worry about compliance issues as our document-signing solution complies with several federal and international regulations. This includes HIPAA, GLBA, and GDPR, among others.

You can use Fill for free. This allows you to fill out PDF forms on Mac and other devices. But if you wish to experience our other features, you can sign up for our paid plans, which starts at $8.33 per month.

So what are you waiting for? Create an account with Fill today.

Andria Pacina

Andria is a seasoned content writer, specializing in document management solutions and HIPAA compliance, providing valuable insights for businesses and professionals alike.

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