Document Annotation

Highlight and add comments to your documents with ease.
Create, sign and manage contracts with Fill Contract Management

Enhance Document Quality with Annotation

Upgrade the way you share and provide feedback on contract documents using Fill’s document annotation feature. Request additional information, offer feedback, and make document changes—all within a user-friendly interface designed for both novices and experts alike.

How to Annotate a Document


Access the dashboard, click ‘Create Template,’ and choose ‘Upload’ to annotate an existing document.



Click Content on the left panel to show the annotation tools. You may add texts, images, videos, and tables.



Once you are done adding notes, comments, or suggestions, click Save.


easy and secured storage and contract management

Seamlessly Comment on Documents

Annotate and markup your documents using labels, copies, section highlights, or comments. With document annotation, you can remove the necessity to arrange meetings to gather input from multiple contributors, saving valuable time.

Tag Documents for Effortless Retrieval

Enhance document organization by annotating with relevant tags that describe its contents, facilitating easy search and retrieval. When you tag a document, you will only need to type one to three letters into the search bar on your Fill dashboard and effortlessly locate the document you need.

Automate contract workflow for faster contract lifecycle
Save a lot of money by using contract management for your business

Foster Seamless Document Collaboration

Facilitate effortless collaboration with team members and monitor every document change through annotations. Team members can work collaboratively on a document in real-time, regardless of location, using the annotation feature.

Annotate documents to share team insights.

Start a free plan today and get up to 2 months free when you upgrade to a paid annual subscription.
