Compress PDF Online

Compress PDF to 1 MB and less without losing quality.

Drag and drop files here

How to compress PDF file size

Compress the size of a PDF in these simple steps


Click on the Select Files button to upload the PDF file you want to convert. Drag and drop also works.


Your file is automatically compressed and you can click on Download to save your compressed PDF on your device.

Compress PDF

Same Quality, Smaller Size

Compress any PDF file size without losing quality. Fill delivers the smallest size possible for your PDF file while keeping the quality intact.


HIPAA & GLBA Compliant Compressor

Fill adheres to HIPAA and GLBA standards when dealing with documents. All files compressed on Fill remain non-compromised and Fill deletes your file once you complete it and save the compression.

Enhance TIFF File Shareability

Compress Right Away

No installing or signing up is necessary. Compress any PDF immediately and in seconds with our Fill tool, which is easy to use for anyone.

Compress a PDF for Email

Simply upload, then download, and you can share your downloaded PDF as an attachment with your recipient.

Enhance TIFF File Shareability
Frequently Asked Questions

You can compress a PDF file on a Windows computer using any PDF compression tool on your preferred browser.

Fill is a good option. Simply open the Fill PDF compression tool on your browser and upload your PDF.

Your PDF will be automatically compressed and you can now save it to your computer. 

To compress a PDF without loosing your PDF quality, you need a highly efficient PDF compression tool that guarantees compression without compromise.

Fill is one of such tools that give you the same quality even after compression. 
