How To Draft A Mobile App Design Proposal and Win New Clients

Mobile App Design Proposal

For any app developer, landing a client can make or break the business. However, before you can land clients, you will need to learn how to create a mobile app design proposal

But writing one can be a struggle, especially since your proposal needs to win over potential clients. This is where we come into the picture.

You’ll also be able to remotely sign documents and collaborate with potential clients when you’re done. Here’s what you need to know.

Mobile App Design Proposal

How to Write a Mobile App Design Proposal to Land Clients

A mobile app design proposal is a document you can use to present your business to prospective clients. Through the proposal, you can introduce yourself and what you offer. It also gives you a chance to exhibit the previous apps you’ve developed. 

By paying attention to your mobile app design proposal creation, you can produce a well-written document. Your prospective clients will likely receive proposals from other businesses. This is why your proposal needs to stand out. 

Use a Mobile App Design Proposal Template

A template can help you write a proposal without knowledge. A template not only saves your time and energy in writing a document from scratch. It can also help make your proposal look professional. 

Mobile App Design Proposal

What You Need to Include When Writing a Mobile App Design Proposal

Now that you know how a winning proposal can be beneficial for your business, it’s time to start writing one. A standard mobile app design proposal will include the following items:

1. Executive summary

True to its name, this section provides an overview of your business. Allow your reader to know who you are. It also highlights the mobile app product you plan to design and how it will help the client. 

2. Company information 

Since you will be presenting your business to someone, you need to show a high-level overview of your company. Introduce the company and show how it works. You can also talk about your core values and goals as a business. 

3. Project summary

This section will give your client an idea of what they need. Do they need an account on a platform? Or will you provide this for them? 

4. Project scope requirements

The technical requirements of the proposal will be written down in this section of the document. It will also include information regarding the following:

  • Quality assurance and testing
  • Development
  • Design and user experience
  • Technical delivery
  • Platforms
  • Backend

Addressing these questions can help with the lifespan of the mobile app. 

5. Budget

The budget is part of the document when you’re drafting a mobile app design proposal. This is because the client needs to have an idea of how much your service will cost. It will also give them a budget range they are willing to work with in developing an app.

6. Project timeline

The timeline doesn’t only serve as a due date for the project to be delivered. It also gives your potential clients an idea of when to prepare for the app’s launch. 

7. Development philosophy

This section takes care of all the legal things that would typically be discussed in the agreement. When writing this, you will need to ask these questions:

  • Who owns the code after delivery?
  • What were the best practices and coding standards that were implemented?

8. Case studies

You can also include an overview or summary of the previous projects you worked on. You can include a brief summary of each project when presenting to your prospective client.

9. Maintenance and support plan

Finally, the proposal needs to detail your plans for ongoing maintenance and support. This is something you have to pay attention to since the success of the mobile app depends on how well the app was built. You can provide a breakdown of services and costs for ongoing maintenance in this section. 

Draft Mobile App Design Proposal Using Fill

Fill lets you do all of these things using a customizable template directly on its website. You don’t have to download anything to get started. All you need is to create an account and look for the template you need to use. 

Once you’re done with the document, you can simply send it to your prospective client to get his online signature. Create a free account at Fill to get started. 

Andria Pacina

Andria is a seasoned content writer, specializing in document management solutions and HIPAA compliance, providing valuable insights for businesses and professionals alike.

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